Friday, July 8, 2011

The Unfortunate Separation of Science and Religion (U.S.S.R)

Now, you may ask, when were they together ?
Well, this is a common notion than science mostly contradicts religion. But this not true, science is not an enemy of religion, but it can not bear superstition.

Until sixth century B.C., science, philosophy, and religion were not separated.
Most of the sages and philosophers, didn't even made these kind of distinctions.There aim was to discover the essential nature of everything.
The Milesians were called 'hylozoists', or those who think matter is alive, because they saw no distinction between animate and inanimate, spirit and matter. Thales declared all the things to be full of gods, while Anaximander saw the universe as a kind of organism which was supported  by 'pneuma', the cosmic breath.

 Anaximander(c. 610 BC – c. 546 BC)

The invention of the telescope and the period of Renaissance, made men to free themselves from the influence of Aristotle and the Church, and showed a new interest in nature.
In the late fifteenth century, the study of nature was approached, for the first time, in a truly scientific spirit.
Eventually, mathematics advanced so much that philosophers and saints were not able to cope up with it.

Finally, scientists came to the conclusion that matter is dead. And then started an era of rationalism.
And science was labelled as separate from religion and philosophy.

The development in manufacturing technologies led to a development of a wide market of  products.
From cars to toothpastes, the number of products are increasing at an accelerating rate.
The rational and mechanistic view of the universe, has been beneficial and detrimental at the same time.They were extremely successful in the development of classical physics and technology, but had many adverse consequences for our civilization.
The rational lifestyle has made people to follow their desires but the problem is that there is no limit to it.
The main purpose of our civilization should be to understand our place and need in this universe and experience the enlightenment and the knowledge of the unknown and mystical.

But, there is a good news! Modern physics is also slowly making scientists to accept that there is more than just rationalism in this world.
As we go into the subatomic level, the particles start behaving in unbelieving ways. Quiet often, a single electron has been spotted at two different places, simultaneously, in many scientific experiments.

Quantum physics and relativity has concluded that there is nothing absolute in this universe.
Even time can be slowed and dimensions can be curved. But we are not able to experience such things as we live in a 'zone of middle dimensions' i.e. not very large and not very small dimensions, in which the natural laws look like absolute and matter seems like dead and predictable.
Quantum physics has led scientists to some paradoxes that, on solving, yields more paradoxes.

It obviously can be concluded that the nature of the universe can not be explained, solely on the basis of rational knowledge.


  1. 1. Superstitions are not part of any religion. It has nothing to do with religion and science.
    2. Science and religion are and were always separate paths to search god even at time of ancient greeks. It is because science was represented as philosophy, people are thinking them to be same. It is like science is part of philosophy and religion is part of philosophy so therefore we take science to be part of religion and vice a verse. But science is quiet different from religion. It is like Physics is independent from Biology but they both are connected via chemistry. We cannot make assumption that law of conservation of souls in gita is analogous to law of conservation of energy. This is evident from fact that Aristotle never had ancient greek religion.
    3. Quantum physics and law of relativity are mutual enemies of each other. There are many concepts in quantum physics which contradicts relativity. That is why Einstein said that god doesn't play dice with universe.

  2. 1. Science and Religion had philosophy in common but both of them were separate since ancient Greeks. This is evident from the fact that Aristotle himself never followed ancient Greek belief. It like like physics and biology is similar to chemistry but they both are not at all alike.
    2. Quantum mechanics and relativity are old enemies of each other. According to quantum mechanics space and time is neither relative nor absolute.
    3. You said that nothing is absolute. This is false. Space time continuum is an absolute entity according to relativity. You have not been reading my post properly.

  3. I have been writing all this for general people.
    Since, they can't understand the space-time continuum so easily, i have written "Nothing is absolute" to convey that the things which are experienced by common people in there daily life are not absolute such as dimensions, spontaneous events etc.

  4. What kind of experiences are you talking about? Be more specific. And dimensions are something which describe spontaneous (or any) event. And everyday experiences are governed by newtons mechanics which itself consider the absolute nature of space time(unlike Einstein mechanics). Everyday experiences by common people are absolute in nature not relative. This is because the slice in space-time loaf doesnt make difference over short distances. If I am moving away from you, I wont reach your past. But if you were in Andromeda and I am on earth, you move toward east and I toward west, you will see my past as your present while I will see your future as my present. Same is true in Minkowski space. You cannot ignore the absolutism while solely focusing on theory of relativity.
