Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Pranjal's Theory of Relativity

OK! I am no Einstein and this is not actually a theory but observations based on similarity or relation (relativity) between the concepts of science and the day to day life.

1. It is said that the one who works hard or spends energy in some task gains success or in other words, something fruitful happens in his/her life. Similarly, the system that spends energy results into doing some work.

2.The more money you have, you tend to spend more of it. While lesser it gets, you try to curtail your expenses. It looks like the first order reactions or radioactive decay in science. The more reactant or radioactive atoms are there, more is the no. in which they react or decay (radioactive atoms).

3. Opposites can't exist individually. Goodness can't exist without evil.
If there are no criminals, what is police got to do. If there is no corruption, then what is Anna Hazaare got to do. Likewise, rich can't exist without poor, if everybody is Bill Gates, who will work for Microsoft. If everybody owns a Rolls Royce, then who will build the road.
Similarly, North pole,of a magnet, can't exist without the South pole. Also, if all things are negatively charged, then the universe will repel itself apart.

4.People of opposite sex get attracted. Similarly, opposites poles attract each other.
When the interactions happen between the two sexes, then a new life is created.
Similarly, when electrons and protons interact, they create atom, which is the basic building block of all the matter.

5.Gravity(or curvature of the space-time, as in relativity) sucks down everything which does not 'try' to fly.
This gravity is also there in social structure because he who does not try to gain success or stop trying after getting success, he falls back to ground(loses everything in life).

6.Principle of relativity says that no reference frame can be considered concrete. If you say, that your car is not moving but the earth is going backwards, then too you are correct.
Similarly, it is said that, don't care about what people or the outer world think about you. Instead, if you live & try to change your surroundings according to yourself, taking yourself as the reference frame, then too you are correct.

There are many other similar concepts among the living & the non-living world. This may seem very obvious to many people but it amazes me a lot.
This shows that a system  has such attributes and characteristics, which are similar to it's building blocks.
This too is a scientific concept(see this- fractals).
Well, the discussion about this concept is endless and this is just an overview.

1 comment:

  1. Stability in entropy are the driving force of any action.... whether it is physics or life.... and let me tell you that goodness has no base and is absolute in its respect.... it is possible not only in theory but also in real life..... but the thing is that we have a monetary based economic system which promotes all vile natures..... replacing it with more advanced resource based system can create changes you cannot imagine....
