Sunday, October 30, 2011


Everyone listens to numerous songs, but have you ever listened to a song which is not on a common topic namely love, war, frustration, breakup etc.

Well, there are many songs like country roads, chicken fried etc.
But I really loved a song named dabba! of the film "Stanley ka Dabba".
The song is based on the feelings of the students, about their tiffin boxes.

It discusses about how mothers wake up early to prepare lunch boxes for their children and how do the students eagerly wait for the recess.
And how do the kids share their food, the tasty paranthas, methi gobhi, aloo etc.

I think this whole concept is amazing. Taking a small feeling and making a whole song, in fact a whole film on it, is a difficult task. The composers of the song are really creative.
Hat's off to them.

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Wishlist

I was just wandering my mind, then suddenly I rested on the question that what am I upto, in my life ?
Then, I tried figuring out what I want. I decided to create a wishlist for myself just like "Vinay Pathak" did in the movie "Dasvidaniyan".
In the film he created a list of things he wanted to do before he die. I think that is a really great idea, at least for those who feel lost and weak in their lives. Many people create these type of lists but sometimes, they are too materialistic, like people sometimes wish to own a Porsche or a Hotel in Las Vegas. My list is a little bit different.
Here it goes:

1. Trip to Antarctica- I want to go on a trip to Antarctica at least once in my life because that is a place which is still not conquered by humans and is really natural and wild, and a bit cold too. Going there will take me more close to myself because that place is full of challenges and astonishment.


2. Skydiving- Jumping from a plane, from a height of 6 kilometers must be great fun and thrill. Hope the parachutes don't betray.

 3. Write a Book - Don't know the topic yet but I will soon find it and pen down all my ideas about that topic so that other people can also know them.

4. ???????? Still thinking......

Well, that is it for now, but I am certain that this list is going to get longer as I move forward with my life. As the years will pass, I will experience more and more and will get fascinated by different things and will extend my wishlist.

I think that everyone should create a wishlist for themselves and pen it down on something that they will keep always with them. But don't wish for those artificial things like a million dollar wardrobe or Audi A6, because world is more beautiful and astonishing than the touch of the iPad or the acceleration of the Lamborghini Gallardo.
These things lose their awe after a week or two or maybe a year but you will never forget the serenity of the hills you last visited or the feeling of conquering your fears, maybe by swimming across the English channel, Scuba Diving, shaking hands with a lion, participating in 'Fear Factor' etc.
So create a wishlist and start thinking how are you going to fulfill the wishes.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Pranjal's Theory of Relativity

OK! I am no Einstein and this is not actually a theory but observations based on similarity or relation (relativity) between the concepts of science and the day to day life.

1. It is said that the one who works hard or spends energy in some task gains success or in other words, something fruitful happens in his/her life. Similarly, the system that spends energy results into doing some work.

2.The more money you have, you tend to spend more of it. While lesser it gets, you try to curtail your expenses. It looks like the first order reactions or radioactive decay in science. The more reactant or radioactive atoms are there, more is the no. in which they react or decay (radioactive atoms).

3. Opposites can't exist individually. Goodness can't exist without evil.
If there are no criminals, what is police got to do. If there is no corruption, then what is Anna Hazaare got to do. Likewise, rich can't exist without poor, if everybody is Bill Gates, who will work for Microsoft. If everybody owns a Rolls Royce, then who will build the road.
Similarly, North pole,of a magnet, can't exist without the South pole. Also, if all things are negatively charged, then the universe will repel itself apart.

4.People of opposite sex get attracted. Similarly, opposites poles attract each other.
When the interactions happen between the two sexes, then a new life is created.
Similarly, when electrons and protons interact, they create atom, which is the basic building block of all the matter.

5.Gravity(or curvature of the space-time, as in relativity) sucks down everything which does not 'try' to fly.
This gravity is also there in social structure because he who does not try to gain success or stop trying after getting success, he falls back to ground(loses everything in life).

6.Principle of relativity says that no reference frame can be considered concrete. If you say, that your car is not moving but the earth is going backwards, then too you are correct.
Similarly, it is said that, don't care about what people or the outer world think about you. Instead, if you live & try to change your surroundings according to yourself, taking yourself as the reference frame, then too you are correct.

There are many other similar concepts among the living & the non-living world. This may seem very obvious to many people but it amazes me a lot.
This shows that a system  has such attributes and characteristics, which are similar to it's building blocks.
This too is a scientific concept(see this- fractals).
Well, the discussion about this concept is endless and this is just an overview.

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Unfortunate Separation of Science and Religion (U.S.S.R)

Now, you may ask, when were they together ?
Well, this is a common notion than science mostly contradicts religion. But this not true, science is not an enemy of religion, but it can not bear superstition.

Until sixth century B.C., science, philosophy, and religion were not separated.
Most of the sages and philosophers, didn't even made these kind of distinctions.There aim was to discover the essential nature of everything.
The Milesians were called 'hylozoists', or those who think matter is alive, because they saw no distinction between animate and inanimate, spirit and matter. Thales declared all the things to be full of gods, while Anaximander saw the universe as a kind of organism which was supported  by 'pneuma', the cosmic breath.

 Anaximander(c. 610 BC – c. 546 BC)

The invention of the telescope and the period of Renaissance, made men to free themselves from the influence of Aristotle and the Church, and showed a new interest in nature.
In the late fifteenth century, the study of nature was approached, for the first time, in a truly scientific spirit.
Eventually, mathematics advanced so much that philosophers and saints were not able to cope up with it.

Finally, scientists came to the conclusion that matter is dead. And then started an era of rationalism.
And science was labelled as separate from religion and philosophy.

The development in manufacturing technologies led to a development of a wide market of  products.
From cars to toothpastes, the number of products are increasing at an accelerating rate.
The rational and mechanistic view of the universe, has been beneficial and detrimental at the same time.They were extremely successful in the development of classical physics and technology, but had many adverse consequences for our civilization.
The rational lifestyle has made people to follow their desires but the problem is that there is no limit to it.
The main purpose of our civilization should be to understand our place and need in this universe and experience the enlightenment and the knowledge of the unknown and mystical.

But, there is a good news! Modern physics is also slowly making scientists to accept that there is more than just rationalism in this world.
As we go into the subatomic level, the particles start behaving in unbelieving ways. Quiet often, a single electron has been spotted at two different places, simultaneously, in many scientific experiments.

Quantum physics and relativity has concluded that there is nothing absolute in this universe.
Even time can be slowed and dimensions can be curved. But we are not able to experience such things as we live in a 'zone of middle dimensions' i.e. not very large and not very small dimensions, in which the natural laws look like absolute and matter seems like dead and predictable.
Quantum physics has led scientists to some paradoxes that, on solving, yields more paradoxes.

It obviously can be concluded that the nature of the universe can not be explained, solely on the basis of rational knowledge.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Looking into "Vision"

Ever wondered about unimaginable and unknown things in your dreams ?
Or why do you sometimes feel, after watching something or some person, that you have seen him before ?

Well! I am no psychologist. But I read about peripheral vision in a book, I thought that, this can be useful to all the people.

Now, what is this 'Peripheral Vision' ?

Peripheral vision is a part of vision that occurs outside the very center of gaze.

Let's take a look at the image below.
While gazing at the first word of the text , try to figure out the last word.

You may not be able to know the word but it is still seen by your eye.
While gazing at "Diamond", the word "substance" was under your peripheral vision.

In our eyes, though all the portions of the retina are equally capable but the portion of the retina far from the center are less consciously aware within the mind.

Therefore, our eyes make our mind store a lots of information than we are aware of.
Thus, our mind can manipulate the information that we are not aware of and show it to us in the form of dreams, hallucinations, Deja Vu etc.

Imagine if someone improves his/her peripheral vision, he/she can read a page of text more quickly or go through all the articles in a room at a swifter rate.
In other words, his observation power can increase sharply.

And if someone could use full of his vision, it would be a nearly divine experience.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Balcony full of amazement

I saw this dream, around 3 months back, but it was so amazing that i noted it down.
The dream goes in this manner:

My balcony was visible from my bed, through the window. I woke up (in the dream) to see two lovers kissing each other in my balcony. Out of my curiosity, I entered the balcony to catch them. Frightened, they changed into pigeons and flew away but I was really shocked by this incident.
Then I looked to the ground & noticed that all the slums that used to be there were absent. Instead there was a circular structure like a colloseum and two high-rises which had fallen down to the ground due to a calamity and people were coming out of them. Then I saw flying sleeping bags with people resting in them. There were very large bat-like birds flying here and there and a crow was heading directly towards me. As soon as it entered my balcony, it died. But the most amazing thing was that it’s body structure was just like a crow but it was blue in color.
I called my mother to see the blue crow and she was also astonished to see it.

Then I saw Batman’s flash-light logos, exactly 3 of them, in the sky but none of them looked real. The bat in the logo was made by someone by arranging his hands in a manner that their shadow looked like a bat.

I grabbed my camera to capture those moments, which would act as a proof of my witnessing all that.
But after some time, when i tried to show these pictures to my brother , they had changed to some kind of advertisement, like of a Hollywood film.
I have tried to show the kind of advertisement I saw, in the picture below:

Then i connected my camera to a PC, because PCs have better searching and organizing options.
But all i saw was Itunes, 100’s of album covers in it & the pictures were not there.
 And then i really woke up.

This all gave me a brief look at the power of creativity that my and probably others’ minds have.
And it also proved to me that there really exists an inner mind which is known by many names e.g. subconscious mind, universal self, depth mind etc.
This is because every scene in my dream looked so great like if it was a film directed by a great Hollywood director.
My inner mind imagined quite creative things that I can’t imagine in my wits e.g. Blue crow, flying sleeping bags, film advertisement and 100’s of album covers which looked like they were created by intelligent human beings.

All these things were created in my mind, just at the moment. This shows the power of the human brain. And if we could control this power, what miracles could be done!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Anatomy of Reality

Have you ever thought that why is the world the way it is, why can't we just control objects around us by just our will, or why can't we move a wand and get our things done on their own?
The answer can't be an absolute "NO". Because we all have thought about all this, atleast in the childhood, when our mothers or grandmothers told us the mystical and unbelievable stories of the fairies, talking animals, heavenly Gods etc.
We all have seen Harry Potter, Spider Man, Narnia and different magical movies of our times.
But as the innocence and the gullibility of the childhood passes by, we tend to realize that none of it is true.
Thus we are taught by others and from our own experience that whatever we can see, hear, touch, taste and smell is the only reality.

In other words, we are constantly forced by the surroundings to think that, what our five senses can sense is the only reality around us.
But the truth can be a bit different.

Let's take a person named "Chiku".

Chiku is congenitally (from birth) blind and has not talked about vision with anyone in his whole life and is 20 years old, thus not a child. He is left with just four senses- Audition(hearing), Taste, Touch and Smell.
Now if you try to teach Chiku about light and its nature, the beautiful colours of the rainbow, your reflection in the mirror, he will probably laugh at you and say that he doesn't believe in magic, mystical creatures and childish imaginations. Because for him, a real object is something his four senses can sense and everything else is mystical, divine, magical, whatever you call it.
He just cannot feel the sense of vision and has never felt it.

Now if, with the help of some medical treatment or some eye transplant or whatever, we can make him to see, it will be a marvellous, enlightening, or maybe a divine experience for him.
He may think of being in a dream and may require some time to get used to watching things.

Now think of all of us as Chiku, we have all the five senses, but we may still miss something that we can't even imagine, maybe some organ that can be used for telepathy(talking to other people without conversing, just talking through our minds).

So, there can be many different feelings we just can't sense, so we are left with the idea that things we sense are the only reality but in fact, reality can be much more unreal.